Individualized Treatment Plans - St. Louis Dental Implants

Treatment Plans Customized For You

St. Louis Dental Implants - Customized Treatments

Once the team has completed their assessments and checklists, then a plan can be developed for the patient.  All treatment plans have five basic goals.

1.  Eliminate pain and suffering

2.  Restore function

3.  Achieve proper esthetics

4.  Individualize treatment and minimize the liability of re-entry.

5.  Prevent future recurrence of disease by primary dental and medical prevention.

Given the extensive time dedicated to treatment planning and developing an individualized sequence, it may be assumed that treatment would proceed as planned.  However, an experienced dentist knows that treatment rarely perfectly follows the ascribed blueprints exactly, and we need to be ready to modify our approach appropriately.  Many twists and turns can occur but our job is to continue to relate to the needs of the patient.