Health Benefits of a Single Tooth Implant

Apr 9 • 2 minute read

The benefits of dental implants have been widely touted, but many wonder if it is still a worthwhile treatment option when only one tooth is missing. Because a tooth-supported bridge, resin-bonded bridge, or a removable partial can fill in the gap, patients assume they don’t have to take the extra step of having the implant post placed for added support.

If you have a missing tooth and want a solution that provides the best health benefits, call our office today to set up a consultation. Our team of specialists at Master Institute of Implants provide quality single tooth implants for our patients in St Louis. 

Misconceptions of Single Tooth Replacement

Some may think just because they are only missing one tooth, the associated jaw deterioration won’t be significant enough to warrant having an implant placed. The truth is, resorption will take place even when only one tooth is missing from your smile. The deterioration can result in an altered facial appearance and the surrounding teeth may start to shift, causing crowding or misalignment.

Avoiding the conventional options for your single tooth replacement has other benefits as well. When electing to restore your smile with a fixed bridge, a portion of your healthy, surrounding teeth must be altered to allow for the clasps on the prosthetic to fit. Additionally, other removable restorations don’t provide the support or stability of an implant.

The Single Tooth Implant Procedure

Before any procedures are performed, a thorough evaluation is conducted that determines if you are healthy enough systemically and have the required jaw tissue to support the successful fusion of the implant post.

The titanium post is placed to exact specifications with the guidance of digital imaging. Once the post has had the appropriate amount of healing time, a custom-made, porcelain crown can be affixed to precisely line up with the surrounding teeth. Once all steps of this restoration procedure are complete, comprehensive aftercare instructions are provided so you can keep your implant-supported appliance looking and functioning at its best.

Contact Us Today

Whether you need a single dental implant or your treatment involves replacements for several teeth, the health benefits of this restorative option outweigh all other traditional smile improvement options. If you want the skill of an implant specialist with over 30 years’ experience for placing a single tooth implant in St. Louis, call our office today to set up an appointment.

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